Monthly Archives: June 2019

Pray for Stan Slade, Global consultant, helping church leaders in the understanding and communication of the Scripture.

Whether leading a workshop for pastors with almost no formal schooling or serving as a visiting professor with doctoral students in high-tech classrooms, Stan is passionate about helping church leaders become more effective servants of Christ, especially in the area of understanding and communicating the message of Scripture.

Pray for Larry and Rebecca Stanton serving in Hungary and Eastern Europe in service to immigrants and refugees, education and discipleship.

Larry and Becky are currently serving with International Ministries partners Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist Union of Hungary.


The compass of our hearts facilitates the God connections to take place. We are grateful for the many connections God has facilitated before, during and since Tonto Rim Christian Camp with the Arizona Karen Baptist Church.

Pastor and Tribal Mediator in Kenya Appointed to Global Mission Service with IM

The Rev. Boaz Keibarak, an ordained pastor and gifted peacemaker, has been appointed to serve with IM as an International Associate Global Servant in his home country of Kenya, east Africa. “Boaz has deep wisdom, courage and a true heart for peace,” comments Karen Smith, IM area director for Africa.

First IM global servants appointed to serve in Zimbabwe, Africa 

Christina and Lance Muteyo, both passionate peacemakers who creatively combine art and activism, have been appointed to serve with International Ministries (IM) as International Associate Global Servants in their home country of Zimbabwe. The first IM global servants to serve in this southern African country, the couple is employed by Trees of Peace Africa, an IM partner whose mission is to change the world through planting seeds of love, peace and harmony in Africa. 

Doing Life Together

God designed us to do life together with others. In doing so, we also do ministry as we allow God to work in us and through us.