Monthly Archives: January 2018

Lesson from the Journey and the Garden…

… It seemed to me they’re simply existing. They look pretty but I know they could do much more if they discover the value they have before God’s eyes. I sense God leading me to sow His Word in their lives, to care for them and nurtured their lives with love and compassion.

The Land of 1,000 Hills ~ Rwanda

A team from ABCNYS traveled from Syracuse(NY) to Rwanda to witness God’s work of healing. They heard the stories and celebrated the successes of those who have attended workshops facilitated by Rabagirana Ministries on “Healing the Wounds of Ethnic Conflicts(HWEC).

Pray for Mayra Giovanetti and Carlos Bonilla, redirected to Columbia for ministry of discipleship formation and training of church leaders.

They write – We have been redirected to service internationally in colOmbia (i.e. Colombia, not Columbia—that’d be South Carolina or Maryland, USA). Their born or naturalized citizens are Colombians (not …

Pray for Melanie Baggao developing skills for future work in Arab countries and ministering among students in Beirut, Lebanon.

In partnership with the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary of the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development, Melanie is beginning her ministry as a student in the Seminary’s Master in …

Setting Spiritual Life Goals

A plant doesn’t grow without water, sunlight, nutrients, and care but too often we seem to think our spiritual life will get better or grow without the same effort. 

A Gathering of Talents

The desire to improve the health and well being of people impacted by the injustices of poverty is one of God’s instrument/motivator to serve alongside AMOS and its staff in Nicaragua.