Latest News:

Recent press releases, updates from our leadership, and copies of our e-newsletter, IM Online. Sign up to receive IM Online twice a month by email through the subscription form below.

Current Highlights:

Remembering George Liele this Juneteenth

This year as we celebrate and reflect on the significance of Juneteenth, we share the story of George Liele. Although born into slavery, he became a pioneering figure in the history of cross-cultural Christian mission work. Liele knew what it meant to be freed from bondage, both physically and spiritually, and his life is a testament to the transformative work of faith and freedom.

Missionary Kids are Witnesses to God’s Love in Thailand

Children are precious to God, and they serve a fundamental role in God’s mission to the world. Missionary kids (MKs) are integral to cross-cultural ministry as witnesses of God’s love to their peers. Sydney, Gavin, and Kolin Juanes are three of our MKs in Thailand. Their parents, Alise and Mark Juanes, are global servants who focus on evangelism and discipleship. Here are some things the Juanes kids want you to know about following God in mission:

WMO Resources 2024

World Mission Offering is just around the corner! This year features six global servants working in Mexico with unique areas of ministry and partnerships: from working with refugees to teaching computer skills to seminary students. Mark your calendars for September when we kick off the World Mission Offering!

Missionary Updates:

Read recent stories from IM missionaries and development workers, called “global servants.” Your support equips them to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in 70 countries.

Current Projects:

Learn more about the life-changing projects led by our global servants and area directors around the world, and how your gifts can make a difference.