Posted on June 3, 2019 Doing Life Together
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God designed us to do life together with others. In doing so, we also do ministry as we allow God to work in us and through us.

One thing we have noticed about doing ministry here is that it can take many different forms. One of those forms is doing life together with those with whom God has put in our life. It is an informal ministry and definitely not the same as giving a seminar, preaching or sitting down with someone and giving them counsel. It is relying on the Holy Spirit from minute to minute as the discussion flows freely from one topic to another.

Sarah has been enjoying doing life with a young lady that God brought into her life recently. One of the many forms of doing life together that they enjoy is walking together. It is the perfect pairing – getting a little exercise in as well as allowing God to speak through the conversation.

When we do life together we show those with whom we are ministering to that we are real people who do very normal things. God is at work & it is amazing and a powerful thing to be a part of.