Monthly Archives: December 2018

Introducción: Reflexiones de mi visita a Honduras en perspectiva al éxodo hondureño

Read it in English   Por Ricardo Mayol-Bracero   ¿Por qué salen los y las hondureñas de su país en masa, por qué mujeres con niños/as y familias enteras y …

Introduction: Reflections of my visit to Honduras in perspective of the Honduran exodus

Léalo en español   By Ricardo Mayol-Bracero Why do Hondurans leave their country in masses, why women with children and entire families and why to the United States?     …

Full-Time Global Ministry

IM global servants work alongside partner organizations around the world to advance the work that is already being done and to contribute their unique gifts to furthering God’s kingdom. They are adults of all ages with a diverse array of backgrounds and interests, and they serve in a variety of different ministries.

Pray for Kim Brown ministering to the needs of tribal people in Thailand in the name of Jesus.

Kim works with a team of indigenous leaders to manage a multi-faceted response to the needs of tribal peoples: HIV/AIDS prevention education, care for those who are HIV+ (including the …

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes endorsed to serve tribal women and children in Thailand through discipleship and spiritual development.

Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal …

What Are The Chances?

God knew the time, the season, the people and the land which His mission field was predestined to give birth to Righteous Leadership through Rev. Dr. Ray & Teri Charles, Special Assistants to Europe, Middle East & Liberia.