Monthly Archives: September 2018

A Grateful Heart!

I can’t believe that summer is officially over in a few days!  School has been in session for three weeks now, so it felt like summer was over weeks ago….

Puerto Rican Resiliency

Many of my IM colleagues, their families and faithful American Baptist Churches in Puerto Rico were directly impacted by the devastation that Hurricane Maria caused.

Saline Solution

God’s saline solution: Jesus, you and the WMO!

Praises from the Heart

Where to start? There’s so much to be grateful for and so much to share but space and time are limited!First, thank you for your continued partnership in prayers and financial support during our first year of ministry in Chiapas. Without your partnership we could not respond to God’s call. THANK YOU! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! ¡JOCO LA GUAL! ¡KOLAVAL!

Pray for Gordon and LeeAnn Hwang reaching young people and serving churches in Japan.

Gordon and Lee Ann are serving in Yokohama, Japan. Gordon exercises gifts of service and hospitality. He hosts a weekly fellowship meeting in their home. Lee Ann works full-time as an English conversation teacher for junior and senior high students at Soshin Girls’ School.

Pray for Dan and Sharon Buttry training leaders in community transformation and helping bring peace, justice and community transformation globally.

Dan and Sharon are global consultants, Dan for Peace and Justice and Sharon for Community Transformation.