Posted on September 20, 2018 A Grateful Heart!
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“The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;

Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him.” 

Psalm 28:7


Greetings my dear friends,

I can’t believe that summer is officially over in a few days!  School has been in session for three weeks now, so it felt like summer was over weeks ago.  It’s time for another update!

I praise God for a great summer!  I traveled quite a bit.  I was also busy with school, but in the midst of everything, I managed to have fun.  I was blessed.  God is good!!!


My summer started early.  On May 4th, mom and I (and with my Doggie – Dori) drove back East for my graduation on May 12th.  I’m not quite finished with school.  As I write this journal, I am completing my last class.  Palmer Theological Seminary (Eastern University) conducts their Commencement Exercise once a year.  The last course required for completion of our program will not be over until October.  We were allowed to “walk” for the commencement exercise.  We are now weeks away from completion of our program.  My heart was overjoyed, my mom was able to see me “walk”.  And I was so grateful, I had family and good friends who flew from the States of Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina, Montana, and the Philadelphia area who came to witness my achievement.  It was a very happy moment!


But, honestly, I am more excited now that I’m only three weeks away from completing my WHOLE course of study!  Yay!!

Praise God for His grace and guidance throughout this past two years!!  The program that I am taking is a preparation for the mission that I am supporting, the MTS (Masters in Theological Studies) Program in Latinos/as Ministries.  I am so humbled and privileged, I am a part of the first graduating class of this amazing mission.  The program is offered to Hispanic students and it is being taught in Spanish.  And guess what?  I don’t speak Spanish!  Thanks to advanced technology!  But most of all, it is by God’s grace, guidance, and provisions that I am making it on this program.  God is good!!!  Thank you, Jesus!

Honor, glory, and praises to the ONE Who directs my life!!

When Rev. Dr. Adalia Gutierrez Lee, my area director (International Ministries Area Director for IberoAmerica and the Caribbean and Founder of the MTS Program for Latinos/as Ministries) first suggested I enroll in the program, my reaction was a total surprise.  I just laughed.  I thought she was kidding.  She knew that I didn’t speak Spanish, but she was serious.  She said to me, “If I made it when I first came to the United States and went to school not knowing any English, I know you can do it too, Jae!  Pray about it.”


To Rev. Dr. Adalia Gutierrez Lee and Dr. Mayra Picos Lee (Director of the MTS Program Latinos/as Ministries), thank you for believing in me!  And to all my professors and classmates, thank you for all your help, guidance, and understanding with my situation.  Most especially to my Church History Professor, Rev. Mercy Gonzales-Barnes for going way above and beyond in helping me.  She was always there for me even after I finished her class; and also to Rev. Joyce Reed and Rev. David Reed, both my Spiritual Formation Professors; thank you for your prayers, encouragements and for believing in me.  Texting me in the midst of my travel and school final that “there’s nothing to worry… it’s gonna be ok,” that meant a lot to me.  I praise God for teachers who have a heart teaching with love, compassion and patience with their students.


To all my prayer warriors out there, thank you for your prayers!  To my amazing “Encouragers,” thank you!  Whenever I get super stressed out and frustrated, thank you for encouraging me that “I can do it!”.  Special thanks to my friend and MPT (Mission Partner Team) Prayer Advocate, Nancy Fowler who took the time to translate my video lectures so I could understand and do my assignments.  I don’t know what I would have done without your help, Nancy!  Thank you!  And last, but not the least, I am so grateful and I praise God for my mom.  I can’t list all the things that my mom is doing for me because it is endless.  Her love is unconditional.  She is an amazing woman of God and a God-given gift to me.  I don’t know what would I do without my mom in my life.  May God bless her.  Thank you Jesus for my mom!



God definitely has a plan in my life…  and yours too!  And what’s amazing, we serve a true living God Who never leaves us stranded in the middle of nowhere!  I think I found the secret.  Three things… check this out:  He said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”  That verse tells us that our God loves to communicate with us; that we’re not alone.  He’s always ready to listen and wants to converse with us.  We can tell Him anything.  We can tell him our frustrations, our pain, our sadness, and even the things that make us happy.  We can share with Him what went on with our day.  And in Matthew 7:7, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”  God knows our needs, but He just wants us to ask and humble our heart unto His feet.  And the third one, it says in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto to you.”  I think all three are important, but the third one was really important.  Whatever is going on in our lives, we just need to offer it to Christ.  He needs to be first in everything.  We need to welcome Him into our lives and allow Him to be in control and trust in Him.  When our heart is right with God, His blessings and power will activate in our lives.


Stay Tuned

I’m sorry, as I had mentioned at the beginning of this journal, this is supposed to be my summer update.  There is so much more I would like to share with you, but this is now a very long journal.  I promise, I will have a second part to continue my fun and blessed SUMMER story.


Quick Update

As of now, I am at 24% of my 100% goal for me to get commission to Mexico.  It seems like I still have a long way to go, but I know God always provide.  He never fails me.  I know He will send me out in His own perfect timing.  If you’re reading this journal and if you would consider becoming one of my monthly partners, please go to for your giving and that will take you to my web page at International Ministries (IM) website or you can call IMs Donor Services at 1-800-222-3872 ext 2323, they’ll be happy to help you process your gift.


Before I end this journal, to those who are already journeying with me, I would like to “Thank You” for your prayers and financial support of my ministry and my journey to get to Mexico.  I definitely cannot do this alone.  Your support will take me to Mexico to do God’s work.  I am so grateful for your partnership.  Thank you!


Stay tuned for the second part of my SUMMER update!  May God bless you.

Your servant in Christ,