Monthly Archives: December 2023

Arts for Community-Based Healing

I am thrilled to share the latest news of a new upcoming project entitled Arts for Community-Based Healing, which will be implemented through a collaboration between New Life Center Foundation and Bond …

To everything there is a season…

Dear friends, Those of us “of a certain age” cannot read those words without immediately beginning to hear a famous 5-chord progression in our heads.  If you do not belong …

Soul Care

Seeing as God Sees I (David) recently returned from a 28-day trip visiting churches to share about our mission and ministry as the Global Coordinators for Spiritual Care.  I traveled …

Expressive Arts In Transition (EXIT)

This project will train leaders in trauma healing through the arts.

White Cross – Congo Medical Supplies

This project provides medications, hospital supplies and training for nurses for the 13 hospitals that are part of the Congolese Baptist Community.

Thank You for your support in 2023

Dear Brothers and sisters, Thank you for your support this last year! We so appreciate how you’ve partnered with our family through your prayers and financial support. We so hope …