Monthly Archives: April 2020

Faith Vs. Fear

Excerpts of reflections sent by Pastor Marion E. Criddle & a couple of members from the short-term mission team from Rivers of Joy Church. They were serving in Kenya as the current pandemic was evolving.

The Pandemic in the Dominican Republic

During this unusual and unprecedented time, we are grateful for the many prayers that are being lifted up on behalf of those suffering in the D.R. and throughout the world.  …

COVID-19 Response for Global Relief

An American Baptist plea for emergency ‘One Great Hour of Sharing’ support as COVID-19 creates great need VALLEY FORGE, PA (4/8/20)—As the United States and the globe deal with the …

Flexibility & Openness

“Purpose supersedes death” is a phrase the team from Berea College was given while they served on a short-term mission trip in Nassau during their spring break.

IM’s First Development Workers to Vietnam Video

Watch the video of how God called Joseph and Amy to serve. 

A Reflection on Disorientating Events: Orientation, Disorientation, and Reorientation

In the Psalms, Brueggemann gives us a framework of the life of faith that helps us describe and deal with what we are feeling in relationship to traumatic and disorienting events.