Posted on April 8, 2020 The Pandemic in the Dominican Republic
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During this unusual and unprecedented time, we are grateful for the many prayers that are being lifted up on behalf of those suffering in the D.R. and throughout the world.  As of April 7, the Dominican Republic had 1,956 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 98 confirmed deaths.  Globally, there are many families struggling to put food on the table due to loss of employment, and this is especially true for Haitian immigrants in La Romana.  To that end, pastors of the Alliance of Baptist Churches put together lists of those they know who are most in need; and on Tuesday, April 7, there was a food give-away at the Community Center in La Romana.  247 families received  bags of food!  

Please continue to pray for our health and safety as we serve our brothers and sisters who are in need.  If you have questions or would like to help in any way, please contact us at  Dios le bendiga.  

Recipient of a bag of food

RICE: a very important staple!