Monthly Archives: March 2018

Pray for Ann and Bruce Borquist working as regional missionaries with national leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to build up the Church .

Ann and Bruce serve as regional missionaries in the Asia-Pacific Region working alongside national leaders to build capacity in theological education, church-based community and economic development, servant leadership, social entrepreneurship, cross-cultural missionary training and ministry with refugees.

Pray for Kit Ripley helping tribal minority girls in Thailand who are victims and survivors of exploitation and abuse.

Kit’s primary ministry involvement is with the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in northern Thailand working with tribal minority girls who are survivors of labor exploitation, sexual abuse, domestic violence and/or human trafficking and girls who are at risk for exploitation and abuse.

God opened my heart in Mexico

Karla Carr’s heart for mission was opened in Mexico. “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…Blessed are the meek for their will inherit the earth..Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:3,5,8)

IM Expands Vacation Bible School Projects in 2018

Vacation Bible School is the perfect time to get your children and families fired up about global mission!

A Language Learning Adventure

Language learning adventures can remind us of God’s love. Jesus shows us love and gives us life in the best possible way.

Worlds Apart

Dear Friends, Dear Friends, I (Kyle) can’t believe we are already heading into the spring of 2018. Over the last couple weeks Katrina and I lived worlds apart.  I was …