Monthly Archives: August 2023

Let’s Dance: Celebrate Cuba EXIT Pilot

“Transiciones”                                                    “Transitions” a loose translation …

Three Universities

The phrase “hit the ground running” accurately describes the beginning of our one-year US/PR home assignment. We are busy scheduling visits and engaging in opportunities to share about Christ’s work …


In July, 2023 I facilitated (together with pastors from different denominations and the ‘First Lady’ of Turkana County Mrs. Lilian) what we call an “open air” Peace Evangelism Campaign held at the Kainuk Trading Centre in the North Rift Region. The event brought together herders and warriors who are key in ensuring that peace is restored along the border of Pokot and Turkana counties. The goal of the event was to create awareness about restoring peace to this once troubled area, and developing a peace resolution created by interdenominational and peace committees from both tribes.

2023 & 2024 Cross-Cultural Trips

The staff at the Short-Term Mission desk has planned several Discovery trips for you to join in 2023. Come and see what God is doing in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

We are still amazed how the Lord has called us to such a beautiful people and country to share the love of Christ! Here’s the first page of our newsletter. …

The Short-Term Mission Team

The volunteer Special Assistants to the Short-Term Mission desk are salt and light in God’s global mission. We are grateful for their humble servant’s hearts.