Monthly Archives: March 2021

Pray for Boaz Keibarak, International Associate Global Servant for IM, working in evangelism, discipleship and peace and justice in Kenya. 

Boaz has been engaged in peacebuilding activities for over a decade. He provides conflict transformation training, mediation, and reconciliation among the rural communities throughout eastern Kenya along the border of western Uganda.  

The Peace of God

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”   Philipians 4:7 A lot has changed since we wrote our last …

IM responds to the situation in Myanmar

The country of Myanmar (also called Burma) held elections on November 8, 2020, when the National Democratic League political party won 83% of the vote. But on February 1, 2021, …

Hope in the Transition

Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that in just a little less than a month, we will be leaving Kikongo for a 9 month home assignment in the US.  If …

God’s mission — with a twist!

Our home church here in Aotearoa New Zealand just presented Ann with this beautiful pounamu pikorua (jade twist). It is a traditional Māori design that symbolises how our lives are interconnected, and how important it is to be good and loyal friends.

Pray for Christina and Lance Muteyo ministering for Christ in Zimbabwe for peace and economic justice. 

Christina and Lance share, “It is our belief that peace, justice, truth, and mercy are ingredients for sustainable peace building.” They serve with IM as international associate global servants.