A Christmas Message from Sharon Koh
Are you currently enjoying the excitement and anticipation that goes into the days before Christmas? If your family is like mine, boxes get wrapped and then wrapped again, and gift-givers …
Are you currently enjoying the excitement and anticipation that goes into the days before Christmas? If your family is like mine, boxes get wrapped and then wrapped again, and gift-givers …
This Advent season the words of this Christmas Carol are going through my mind: “Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go, tell it …
Laura and Rich are associate development workers jointly appointed with International Ministries and their nonprofit organization, Turkish Connections International. They serve in the establishment of new churches in one of the least-reached countries on earth: Turkey.
Ann serves as Global Consultant for ministry “From Everywhere to Everyone” to build capacity in contextualized theological education, servant leadership, cross-cultural skills development, church-based holistic community transformation and work with refugees. Bruce serves as Global Consultant for Holistic Community and Economic Development to promote faith-based social entrepreneurship, servant leadership, cross cultural skills development, and church-based holistic community transformation. They work alongside a wide range of Baptist partners including those in Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and others.
Recent de-escalation of social and political tensions in Bolivia has allowed International Ministries global servants to return to their homes and ministries in that South American nation. J.D. and Rhonda …
Short-Term missions have been part of International Ministries for over fifty years. The STM office follows and upholds the guidelines set by the Standard of Excellence. It is a code of best practice for short-term mission sending agencies put together by SOE, Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission accreditation agency (www.soe.org) If you would like to serve alongside our long-term global servants, the STM team is here to facilitate the process.