Monthly Archives: October 2019

Pray for Mylinda Baits serving as a global consultant for Training Through Restorative Arts,

Mylinda is a pastoral artist and trainer. She partners with IM colleagues, national church leadership and social change organizations to seek justice, healing and transformation through restorative art and creative expression.

Pray for Drs. Anita and Rick Gutierrez training local missionaries to combat illness in South Africa.

Family doctors Rick and Anita train and equip local missionaries, or “health builders,” to combat lifestyle-related diseases like HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria in homes, schools, places of worship and marketplaces.

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to serve ethnic minorities in Thailand, focusing on discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff.

Alise and Mark Juanes will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums.

Connected by our Roots

What Puerto Rico’s Tabonuco trees taught me about the value of deep connections to survive storms and flourish in life and ministry.

Health Builders Address HIV

After developing the Health Builder model and training health workers over a decade and a half, we are still struck by how common HIV infection is in our communities. On …

Faithful Servant Debbie Mulneix will Retire in October

Faithful servant Debbie Mulneix will retire in October
Benjamin Chan
October 1, 2019