Monthly Archives: July 2019

Pray for Anita and Rick Gutierrez, training leaders to make a difference in physical and spiritual health in South Africa.

Drs Anita and Rick Gutierrez are both family physicians and are serving as global servants in South Africa. The focus of their ministry is to train and equip local individuals, who are known as health builders, to make a difference in both the physical and spiritual health of their community.

Tension, Violence, and Perplexity in the Ebola Hot Zone

Now in the 11th month of Congo’s largest and deadliest outbreak of Ebola in history, the virus is threatening to cross international borders into South Sudan and Uganda. Bill Clemmer, who has been serving in the midst of this outbreak since mid-October 2018, discusses the issues which are fueling this deadly disease …and why it may take more than ‘medicine and might’ to bring Ebola in this sector of the Congo under control.

OOPS…OUCH…Bad Assumptions

Embarking on a short-term mission trip for two weeks, three months or a year without adequate emotional, spiritual and physical tools and preparation will create big “Oops & Ouch” that can have negative impact on the ministry you intend to serve. The Short-Term Mission team can help equip your hands and heart to serve God alongside global servants and/or IM partners in cross-cultural settings.

Pray for Jeni Pedzinski serving young tribal women in Thailand who are at risk for human trafficking.

Jeni serves on the leadership team at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Established in 1987, the New Life Center serves young ethnic minority (tribal) women who are at risk for, or survivors of, human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse.

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to leave for Thailand to serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai.

Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums.

Green Light for Thailand

We thought the idea of ‘Where the Williams Are’ might be an appropriate theme for this next year of our ministry.  Currently 5 of us are in our last 4 weeks here in …