Monthly Archives: June 2019

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti ministering in discipleship formation and training leaders in Chile.

Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain and Nicaragua. UNIBAUTISTA has invited them to continue this work with ethnic groups in one of the most neglected areas of Colombia, the Guajira Northern Region.

Pray for Barb and Dwight Bolick growing their ministry among the Mapuche of Chile and beyond.

Barb and Dwight minister among the Mapuche, an indigenous people group in Chile. The goals of their ministries with the Mapuche churches and communities are, first, recovery of identity as a people made in the image of God; and second, discovery of vocation as productive stewards of God’s creation.

Pray for David Sagar providing discipleship and leadership training and build networks to bless Indian communities globally.

Building on 11 years of service as an IM special assistant to India, David will provide discipleship and leadership training and build networks to bless Indian communities globally. He will also be available as a resource person for the Baptist Council of Telugu Churches and the India Mission Coordination Committee.

Pray for Ruth Fox working globally to assist in ministries of education to advance God’s work in the world.

Ruth, having invested many years in some of IM’s educational ministries in Thailand, is currently serving on special assignment as a regional consultant based in the U.S.

Discovery Trip to Costa Rica

A short-term discovery trip to Costa Rica in October 2019 will be led by Rev. John Grisham. Interested to know more?

Look Up!

One of the major things you notice as a ‘new to Haiti’ person is the traffic. The numbers of vehicles, the people everywhere, the volume of the street sounds…the chaos, or is it?