Global Spiritual Formation
Missionaries and pastors around the world are deepening their relationship with God. Read how David and Joyce are ministering to others through regional retreats and theological education.
Missionaries and pastors around the world are deepening their relationship with God. Read how David and Joyce are ministering to others through regional retreats and theological education.
Short-Term missions are transformative. One prepares emotionally, spiritually and physically for cross cultural immersion before departing. Then faces a re-entry process with its own time line. The Short-Term Mission team at IM can gently walk alongside you and be co-learners, co-disciples in this Emmaus faith journey.
IM introduces our newest associate missionary and the fourth global servant currently serving in Japan. He will focus on ministries of discipleship and education.
The evidence is clear: education changes lives! Data from the United Nations Development Program and other sources indicates that children (particularly young girls) who are able to complete high school …
For the last few years, Sarah has been pioneering a ministry among foreign migrant women working as maids in Lebanon.
Carlos and Mayra have been used by God in discipleship formation and training in churches in Chile, Spain and Nicaragua. UNIBAUTISTA has invited them to continue this work with ethnic groups in one of the most neglected areas of Colombia, the Guajira Northern Region.