Monthly Archives: November 2018

Pray for the Ebola Outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and for Dr. Bill Clemmer ministering to the victims and working to contain the outbreak.

[Note: Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said recently that it is possible that the Ebola outbreak in Eastern Congo cannot be brought under control …

Video Update: First Year Journey in Chiapas, México

A snippet of our journey during our first year as Global Servants in Chiapas! We appreciate your continued prayers and support as we equip and empower God’s people in Chiapas! TOGETHER WE’RE THE SALT OF THE EARTH!

De NI a CO en 22 me…

To read this journal in English, please click here. Noviembre: ¿Cuántos meses pudimos servir en España? ¿Lo recuerdas? El mismo tiempo que estuvimos en la transición en PR/EEUU entre Nicaragua …

From NI to CO in 22 mo…

Para leer esta carta en español, por favor oprime aquí. November: How long were we able to serve in Spain? Do you remember? As long as we were in PR/US …

Ohio Business Professionals Endorsed to Serve God in Haiti through International Ministries

Stacy and Tim Reese from Massillon, Ohio, have been endorsed to serve as International Ministries (IM) global servants in Haiti.

The couple will serve in Discipleship and Community Development with IM partner in Haiti the Christian Association for Spreading the Gospel and Economic and Health Development.