Monthly Archives: October 2018

Associate Missionary Appointed to Serve in Theological Education in Costa Rica

Ruth Vindas of Santo Tomás, Costa Rica, has been appointed to serve as an International Ministries (IM) associate missionary in San José, Costa Rica. Vindas currently serves on the faculty of IM partner the Latin American Biblical University (UBL), a seminary founded in 1923 that prepares pastors and leaders to serve in churches throughout Latin America.

Love One Another

European Baptist women celebrate 70 years!

Pray for Rovaughna Richardson ministering to victims of human slavery in Ghana.

Rovaughna works at the Baptist Vocational Training Center in Ghana in a ministry rescuing, rehabilitating and educating young women who had been victims of a cultural practice called Trokosi, which has elements of human trafficking. Rovaughna’s mental health and social work background have particularly equipped her for this work.

Pray for Amanda and Jon Good serving through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in Hungary.

We have been blessed with kindness and hospitality. It is hard to believe that next month will mark the end of our first year. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve Christ here and are now seeing fruit.

International Ministries Joins Myanmar Baptist Convention in Meeting with Myanmar Government

A delegation from International Ministries (IM), also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, joined leaders of the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC) in a series of meetings with government officials representing the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on October 17, 2018.

Update from IM global servants in Haiti on the October 6th earthquake

IM global servants in Haiti are well following a 5.9 earthquake off the north shore of the island of Haiti on October 6th with subsequent aftershocks twice since then. They write to provide you with a response to this earthquake from their perpectives.