A NEW HOPE: Checkpoints & Chihuahuas: Baja Journey Part II
Jedi Mind Tricks As we left La Paz and began the journey home, two unusual events happened. First, along the Baja Peninsula are military checkpoints. As you leave the country, …
Jedi Mind Tricks As we left La Paz and began the journey home, two unusual events happened. First, along the Baja Peninsula are military checkpoints. As you leave the country, …
¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas! When Jesus came to our broken, rebellious world in the body of a baby, the angels sang, December 13, 2017
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those with whom He is pleased!” They knew that hope had been restored for all of creation for all of eternity.
Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant, standing with and serving victims of conflict through ministries of conflict transformation and education. One of the goals of American Baptist International Ministries is …
There was much all seven women from Great Rivers Region discovered could be done to help with finishing touches at Deborah’s House.
La Esperanza (Hope) As I stepped into Advent this past week, I realized this time last year I was writing to each of you about my impending surgery. The doctors …
Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti in transition to Columbia to work in ministries of discipleship They write – Throughout this US/PR assignment, we spent the first six months …