Monthly Archives: November 2017

God’s Ambassadors in Uganda

An inter-generational team from Grace Crossing Community Church in Phoenixville, PA, is being called to be God’s Ambassadors in Bethlehem, Uganda.

A Summary of the Rainwater Harvesting Project in Chile

The testimony of Flor, the woman who leads the yarn project in Repocura, is the same story we hear everywhere: “I wasn’t even going to plant my garden this year, because there’s no water, but now I can.”

Pray for Gordon and Le Ann Hwang

Gordon and Lee Ann are serving in Yokohama, Japan. They write, “The Christmas season gives us numerous opportunities to share about Jesus! Please pray that we would be given the words and actions to demonstrate God’s grace. “

Ready, Set, Go!

Jon and Amanda Good depart for Hungary.

Pray for Jeni Pedzinski bringing Christ’s love to young women who are at risk for, or victims of, human trafficking in Thailand.

Jeni serves on the leadership team at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Established in 1987, the New Life Center serves young ethnic minority (tribal) women …

Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice ministering and training health workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Tim and Kathy are associate missionaries jointly appointed by both International Ministries and New City Fellowship in St. Louis to serve as medical missionaries at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital in …