Monthly Archives: May 2020

Pray for Ingrid Roldan-Roman ministering in discipleship, education and health and wellness in Panama.

She directs a tutoring and feeding program for elementary and high school students who have fallen behind in their studies.

Pray for Stan Slade, Global Consultant for Education, continuing his ministry of training church leaders around the world during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Stan is passionate about helping church leaders become more effective servants of Christ, especially in the area of understanding and communicating the message of Scripture.

Pray for Glen and Rita Chapman adding to their ministry during the Covid 19 pandemic by making face masks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Glen and Rita have been instrumental in transforming the Kikongo pastoral training school into the Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC).

The Journey

Can you see both the forest and the trees?

Come Together Now During IM’s 206-year Anniversary Month of May

GIVE NOW Now more than ever we are called to make a difference in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. As we celebrate IM’s 206-year anniversary this month, …

Jean Abell, ABFMS/ DR Congo alumna safely home

Jean Louise (Brokaw) Abell, went safely home, at the age of 93, on April 5, 2020, after a four-year battle with multiple myeloma, at Penney Retirement Community. Jean was born …