Monthly Archives: January 2019

Military Fatigues and Ebola Suits

Overcoming the current Ebola outbreak in northeast Congo will require more than technical acumen and money.

La Fundación… / The Foundation…

January: How better to start this year 2019 than with a good foundation?!? Yes, 1 Corinthians 3.11 (NABS) says, “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one …

Pressing On to Know Him

I was struck today by these words from Hosea 6: “Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely …

Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice training health care workers and ministering to the medical needs of the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dr. Tim and Kathy are associate missionaries jointly appointed by both International Ministries and New City Fellowship in St. Louis to serve as medical missionaries at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital …

Pray for Jonathan and Thelma Nambu, caring for and empowering women in the Philippines and partnering to combat human trafficking in Asia and around the world.

Jonathan and Thelma are associate missionaries appointed by International Ministries in partnership with Samaritana Transformation Ministries, an organization committed to sharing and living out the gospel among women caught in …