Monthly Archives: July 2018

Pray for Rovaughna Richardson engaged in a ministry of rescuing, rehabilitating and educating women who had been victims of the trokosi slavery system in Ghana.

Rovaughna works at the Baptist Vocational Training Center (BVTC) in a ministry rescuing, rehabilitating and educating women who had been victims of the trokosi slavery system.

Pray for David and Joyce Reed ministering to International Partners and Global Servants with the goal of spiritual renewal, spiritual formation and vocational calling.

Joyce and David offer retreats at which pastors and leaders can find rest, renewal and resources for self-care. They develop curriculums for spiritual formation courses to be taught in theological schools. They also mentor young people who sense a call to ministry.

My Beloved Community

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often spoke of a “beloved community” as a place of peace that is based on both justice and equality and where conflict is resolved without violence.

Because of You… / Es por Ti…

Every July we stop, look, and listen to how God has surprised us since that July of 2000 when we started our journey. / Cada julio nos detenemos, miramos y oímos cómo Dios nos ha sorprendido desde aquel julio del 2000 que comenzamos nuestro peregrinaje.

Pray for Dan and Sharon Buttry working with International Partners and IM Global Servants for Peace and Justice around the world.

Dan serves as an International Ministries global consultant for peace and justice. He works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict …

Pray for Karen Smith helping serve ethnic minority women in Thailand who are at risk for labor exploitation.

Karen is the program consultant to the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF). This ministry, based in northern Thailand, serves ethnic minority women who are at risk for labor exploitation. The …