Monthly Archives: May 2018

The Windows

God opened my eyes, ears and heart to what is along the many canals, beautiful facades and historical buildings in Amsterdam.

Tulips & Trafficking, 2018 Discovery Trip

Learning about the issues of human trafficking and prostitution took one member of the team from the comfort of her home in Fargo(ND) to the streets of Amsterdam and Haarlem (The Netherlands).

Lost in the List

I don’t know about you, but I am a list person. I have always operated off a list or calendar to keep me focused and on task. The great thing about a list is I can write it down and forget it and then go to my list for reminders. The down side to a list is that I often live my life focused on the list! I often measure my day or judge my day based on how many tasks I accomplished from my list.

Register now for the World Mission Conference on July 4–7

The World Mission Conference brings a wonderfully diverse group of IM global servants and international partners together to meet with God’s people in a beautiful 1,100-acre retreat setting. The four-day event runs from July 4 through July 7 at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wisconsin. All are welcome to attend, and registration is open now.

Protests are Smaller and More Peaceful at the Politechnic University of Nicaragua

IM Area Director Adalia Gutiérrez-Lee received the following update on the unrest in Nicaragua from Tomás Téllez R., vice rector general and Dr. Lydia R. Zamora, rector of IM’s partner university, Politechnic University of Nicaragua (UPOLI), on April 29. Spanish translation follows English.

That Wonderful New Life in Christ

The Lord has been wonderful to us in everything has blessed the work of our hands.