Monthly Archives: March 2020

Hand Washing Skills Perfected

Ebola prevention training has the kids of HEAL Africa Sunday school ready if coronavirus ever hits Goma.The Sunday school students wash their hands carefully each week before receiving bread and …

Pray for Lauran Bethell, Global Consultant for Human trafficking, giving leadership in the struggle to bring an end to the exploitation and abuse of women and children.

Lauran is a global consultant for human trafficking. Her main goal is to encourage new grassroots projects addressing the exploitation and abuse of women and children, many of whom are victims of trafficking.

Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi and Nzunga Mabudiga serving Christ by ministering to the people of Haiti.

Kihomi and Nzunga serve as a vital link between International Ministries and the Haitian Baptist Convention. They preach in churches and serve through a variety of ministries.

Fixing Pumps to fight Coronavirus

Dear Loved Ones,   Greeting. We are doing fine. The situation is back to normal in the entire country, but the insecurity persists still.   This past week we have been …

The Mysterious Power of Connections

How sharing a common mission creates a connection that surpasses our understanding and builds family-like community.

India COVID-19 Education and Mutual Support

India COVID-19 education and mutual support
Benjamin Chan
March 1, 2020