Monthly Archives: April 2018

Servidoras y Servidores Globales de Puerto Rico en MI Siguen Necesitando $160,000 para Cerrar la Brecha

Mientras que la isla de Puerto Rico sigue su lenta recuperación del impacto devastador de los huracanes Irma y María del pasado septiembre de 2017, el cuerpo misionero de Ministerios Internacionales (MI) que llama hogar a Puerto Rico también están sintiendo los efectos secundarios de las terribles tormentas.

Mis Amigos Me Llaman Ben, Parte 2

La misionera Ingrid les escribió sobre mí desde Changuinola, Panamá, en el mes de Mayo del 2017. Desean saber cómo he seguido?

My Friends Call Me Ben, Part 2

Ingrid, the missionary in Changuinola, Panama, wrote to you about me in May 2017. Do you want to know how I have been doing?

Pray for Debbie and Keith Myers training pastors and church leaders in Mexico.

Debbie and Keith provide pastoral accompaniment to the indigenous churches. This consists of training pastors, church leaders, youth leaders and teachers for the children.

IM Launches Spring Matching Gift Challenge

On April 15, International Ministries (IM), also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, launched the 2018 Spring Matching Gift Challenge to benefit IM’s global servants.

Chickens, chickens and more chickens

Many times Keith has said to me, “Deb, God did not call me to Mexico to build chicken coops.” Then I would say, “If He didn’t want the project to succeed, then He wouldn’t have provided the resources.”