IM OnLine Issue 57 -The Ministry of Fundraising

// June 20 ISSUE // Message from Sr Director of Development and Church Relations Rev. Ray Schooler News You Can Use: NEXGEN Giving Match and more Project Spotlight: Medical Residency Program …

We Asked for a Tent

Our Sunday School Program has turned into a 7-day a week event! We have many children’s ministries at HEAL Africa in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. What started as just …

Words Matter

Claire Walker shares some initial reflections after ten days of ministry immersion across the border.

Full S.T.E.M Ahead – April – May 2022 My Guide, My Helper, My Comforter

Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa April – May 2022 My Guide, My Helper, My Comforter Acts 1:8 NLT – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon …

Stepping Out in Faith

Over the last 30 years, I have been stepping out to do ministry. Whether it was pastoral ministry in South Africa, or crossing the Atlantic Ocean to serve here in …


THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH Remember this; Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give …