Morocco: Earthquake Relief among the Berbers of Atlas Region.

  Morocco: Earthquake Relief among the Berbers of Atlas Region. Enduring Love has been engaged in ministry among the Berbers of Morocco for almost ten years. Sa’id and Nadia (not …

Cosiendo con Amor en Acción…

Hechos y Amor en Acción: BGsEtAl 2024Junio; Vol. XXIV Núm. 12; Cosiendo con Amor en Acción… ¿Nos pueden creer que pronto completaremos 24 años de servicio misionero internacional y nos …

Sewn with Love in Action…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2024June; Vol. XXIV Num. 12; Sewn with Love in Action… Can you believe we are close to completing 24 years of international missionary service …

Do you want to be well? Do you want to get well?

Seems like an absurd question for Jesus to ask a man who has been paralyzed for almost forty years. There he sits at the pool of Bethesda waiting for the …

Greetings from Liberia: Empowering Lives Through Transformation in Liberia

THE NEW CHAPTER IN MY MISSIONARY JOURNEY I left the U.S.A. on a COLD, snowy day heading to Liberia. And guess what?  I found summer in Liberia. The 90-degree weather was …

Trout Newsletter – June 2024

This past month, we were able to get our plastic drivers licenses! YAY! For months, many drivers around the nation have been carrying a photo copy. We arrived at LTO …