Questions MKs Would Love to be Asked Questions MKs Would Love to be Asked Are you interested in getting to know missionary, but aren’t sure where to start? Here are some great questions to encourage discussion and ...
When an MK Comes to Visit Making the most of your church’s time with your MK family Welcoming missionaries to your church can be an exciting time both for your church family and for the missionary ...
How to Pray for Missionary Kids Missionary Kids (“MKs”) live extraordinary, stressful, blessed, and challenging lives. And though they may be living in another part of the world, they are still kids, with the same basic ...
How to Pray for Missionaries When you are asked to pray for missionaries, do you ever find yourself wondering what to pray? “I don’t even really know these people,” you think. “How can I pray ...
Caring for Missionary Kids in College Caring for Missionary Kids in College Transitioning back to the U.S. for college is arguably the biggest change an MK experiences. How can you help ease this transition for the ...
The Harvest

We were walking past the market and saw some beautiful ripe fruit. It reminded us of what Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are …