210th Anniversary Letter from UEBE Spain

“Capacitando para el ministerio cristiano desde 1922” (Ef. 4:12)

A New Invitation

Amanda and Jon are responding to an invitation to work with the Italian Baptists in ministries of evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and theological education. We are excited to share this …

Update from Colorado

Dear Loved Ones,   Greeting from Colorado where we are attending THE ALL STAFF GATHERING 2024. Last night I called the pastor, coordinator of IBAREDO, host denomination, He said the …

New Chruch building started

Dear Loved Ones, Greetings. Many of you have been extremely patient waiting for the good news on the progress of the church building. The building has effectively started but the …

Celebration and Sadness

Dear Loved Ones, Greetings. Our New Creation Baptist Church celebrated the 210th anniversary year of mission. This celebration was well attended, and, in the end, we had plenty of food. …

Girls Seeking Help

Dear Loved Ones, Greeting. This past Friday May 17 something that has left me still wondering happened at our church. While we all were waiting for the church to fill …