Conectar ~ Rencontrer ~

How might God be asking us to connect with better in this season? How do we connect with others cross-culturally using heart languages?

Trouts in SEA – Aug Recap Newsletter
Zayin – Ayin…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2023Aug; Vol. XXIV Num. 2; Zayin – Ayin… (Para castellano, lea más adelante…) In August we resume the discipleship lessons based on the Hebrew …

Summer Heat Summer Heat!

It has been cooler in Rifu than Tokyo, however, the record breaking summer heat is draining our energy. And the fish are dying in this pond! God is good to give us AC (air conditioning)! We were kept quite busy with volunteer groups (New Ohio Friends) and guests and cleaning the camp dorm (Shalom House). Then . . .

Building a dream on a new land

Dear Loved Ones, Greetings. This Wednesday August 16, was a day off and everything was shut down. It is a national Holliday in the Dominican Republic. It is a Restoration …

New country, New Mission

Dear Loved Ones, Greetings. This past Friday August 11, 2023, we left our house early to go to Villa Altagracia about 2.5 hours away.  We had our retreat, and it …