Southern Asia – Economic Development and Business Training

This project seeks to equip 400 current and future pastors in understanding basic business and how to develop business plans for ministry.

Congo – Enfants Bien Aimes

This project will provide care, training, discipleship and social reintegration for vulnerable children in Goma.

Thailand – House of Love Ministry Expansion

This project will enable the House of Love to expand their ministry outside their walls and serve many more children.

Lott Carey NAAMC Scholarship

This project seeks to raise support for Black missionaries and lessen their fundraising challenges as they begin their term of service overseas.

Congo – Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC)

This project seeks to prepare young Congolese women and men spiritually and intellectually be leaders in their rural communities.

Thailand – Casket Empty Bible Curriculum

This project will translate into Thai the “Casket Empty” Bible curriculum to improve Biblical literacy among Thai-speaking Christian leaders.