Dinner at The Snake Pit

On the long checklist before leaving for Hungary, I needed to attend a course in personal security training.

60 Sheets and a Pencil

There are so many unsung heroes of the faith, the ones in the background holding others up, like Aaron and Hur in Exodus 17:2:  “But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took …

God Mends a Broken Heart

Eighteen years ago, while serving at Vanga Evangelical Hospital in Zaire, we came across a young child who had a deteriorating heart condition. Her doctors feared she would die without …

Tulips and Trafficking….

You know that it’s my favorite time of year in The Netherlands—because the tulips are in bloom! I love taking my walks for exercise in the Keukenhof gardens—and hosting numerous folks who come to visit.

Growing and Changing – Graduation Time – Spring 2016

March was a special time as 15 friends from the Hope for the Hilltribes project in the USA came to facilitate a camp for our House of Love (HOL) and CDPD students and staff.

“These people?”

My friend, whom we’ll call Manny, is no stranger to religious and ethnic conflicts. Manny lives in a place where tensions between different racial, ethnic and religious communities run high—and the flames are often fanned by people seeking power of various kinds.