Posted on August 28, 2017 Colleagues Share Their Stories
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When today’s headlines shout about the unraveling social connections, division and political chaos in our world, we can be tempted to get discouraged and overwhelmed. BUT as people of PROMISE we have hope. We respond to God’s call as Jesus taught us and as the Holy Spirit leads us. We seek to embody the example of Jesus, who meets us where we live. We align with the creative power of Christ’s transformation and listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit that weaves all of the seemingly separate pieces together again.
In my experience with International Ministries, I have seen how God uses people all over the world to participate in God’s work of restoration, healing and wholeness through education, advocacy, peacemaking and creative expression. These last few months while visiting churches in the US, I have seen, heard and felt God’s grace. I’ve seen God in the faces of loved ones, heard God’s voice in the prayers spoken over me, and felt God’s touch in the embraces of partners and friends who stand with me, give sacrificially and support my call to global service. I am humbled by the deep connection I have with so many. I cannot do what God calls me to do in the world alone. I NEED to be connected and engaged in ministry with others and with YOU!
The ministry God has called me to is one of accompaniment and facilitation (or helping others make connections to learning, peacemaking skills and relationship building, and healing through creativity). I work alongside of others, collaborating and encouraging their calls to service and ministry. For this reason, I asked a couple of my colleagues to share how they see God working through me in partnership with others. I hope the following videos give you an idea of what God has been up to, and that this still small voice of Good News outshouts those headlines in your hearts!
Grateful for our connection,
Dan and Sharon Buttry share
Lauran Bethell shares
Heart Wide Open Slideshow