Ebola Update

When our mentor Daniel Fountain served in the Congo in 1995 there was an Ebola Virus Disease outbreak starting in Kikwit which eventually killed 240 out of 300 people infected once the virus spread from village people to the hospital setting.

New Year’s Greetings

The Beautiful Truth This month’s Girls’ Clubs’ lesson is on the virtue of hope. A fitting subject for this time of year don’t you think? So how do you explain …

Indescribable Joy

With tears of joy, the young Central Asian woman cried, “Mummy, I love you! I love you!”

A Brothel Christmas Medley

A brothel manager of international women sent a message last week: “Thank you for coming to sing and give gifts! All the women were very happy and cannot stop talking about it!” The delight on the women’s faces made it a joyful memory for all of NightLight’s outreach team.

International Ministries logo Preparing the Way

It is our joy to be in partnership with you. As we go through the advent season, we are reminded to wait expectantly for the Lord to enter into our world and into our lives in new and beautiful ways.

God’s Hope Changes Women

As we celebrate Christ bringing hope and salvation into the world at Christmas, I’d like to share a modern-day story of hope and transformation.