The Best Medicine

In South Sudan the #1 cause of death in women of reproductive age is pregnancy.  When I was in medical school, pregnancy was not a disease.  We’re back in South …

A Call to the Wilderness

“God takes everyone he loves through a desert. It is his cure for our wandering hearts, restlessly searching for a new Eden… The best gift of the desert is God’s presence… The protective love of the Shepherd gives me courage to face the interior journey.”

Sing and Make Music to the Lord

Who are they? They are teachers who live in Myanmar, but have come to Thailand to live at a school for a month during the hottest season of the year.

Nzunzu!! (Moving Forward)

 I’m so excited to officially announce that we’re building a new building for the Mitendi Primary School (which currently holds classes inside the Mitendi Women’s Center), and thanks to some very generous donors, we’re kicking off the fund-raising with half the funds needed already in hand! Amazing!

Coming Soon To A Church Near You!

As I sit down to write this newsletter, it’s hard to believe that my flight to the United States takes off in less than a month. So much to think about!

An Easter Assault

Easter Sunday in Kikongo was loud…more than normal loud. Whistles blew and horns blasted, people yelled out cheers, children went up and down the isles of the church and crowded the windows and doorways.