Christmas News and deputation update.

We hare happy to report that we are almost 70% funded and we wanted to share our latest newsletter that was sent out to our Missionary Partnership Network last month.

Pray for Marilyn Raatz

Pray for Marilyn Raatz training Christian leaders to promote peace and justice in Africa. Marilyn assists IM partners throughout Africa to promote peace and justice. She offers conflict transformation workshops, …

Bringing Light & Living Water

“Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.”(Psalm 10: 12)
We are grateful for our many volunteers who leave the comfort of their homes for kingdom building.

The 10th FJC Class will graduate on January 27 in Buffalo, NY

The 10th graduation ceremony of FOUNDATIONS Judson Communities’ program, Certificate of Ministry Studies, will be held in Buffalo, New York on January 27, 2018. There are altogether 49 participants and 47 will be getting their certificates.

New Servants in Monrovia

Abundant blessings shower our new short-term servants who are spending thirty days in Virginia (Liberia) at Ricks Institute. From rural Kansas to rural Virginia, more commonalities are being discovered.

Learning to Teach in the Key of V

“¡Nos virtualiveremos, profe!”   Come again?   It totally caught me by surprise and made me laugh.  If you speak Spanish, you can easily figure it out, even though that …