House of Hope doctors and dentists are being salt when they provide free health-care with bi-monthly mobile clinics.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”(Romans 12:2) A team of short-term volunteers is being transformed in Honduras.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often spoke of a “beloved community” as a place of peace that is based on both justice and equality and where conflict is resolved without violence.
Every July we stop, look, and listen to how God has surprised us since that July of 2000 when we started our journey. / Cada julio nos detenemos, miramos y oímos cómo Dios nos ha sorprendido desde aquel julio del 2000 que comenzamos nuestro peregrinaje.
This past January, I had the privilege of participating in the 30th anniversary celebration of the ministry of the New Life Center Foundation.
The Japan Squad mission was to learn about Japanese people and culture, experience life with Japanese Christians, and help with ministry to the Japanese people. From our experience with them, I know they did these things and much more! Many prayers were answered and I can say, “Mission accomplished!”