Reflection # 1: Militarization, Violations of Human Rights and the Honduran Exodus

Léalo en español   The first reflection highlights the militarization and violations of Human Rights in Honduras as the cause of the Honduran exodus.     The Escape to Egypt …

Funcionarios entregan a secuetradore Introducción: Reflexiones de mi visita a Honduras en perspectiva al éxodo hondureño

Read it in English   Por Ricardo Mayol-Bracero   ¿Por qué salen los y las hondureñas de su país en masa, por qué mujeres con niños/as y familias enteras y …

Funcionarios entregan a secuetradore Introduction: Reflections of my visit to Honduras in perspective of the Honduran exodus

Léalo en español   By Ricardo Mayol-Bracero Why do Hondurans leave their country in masses, why women with children and entire families and why to the United States?     …

What Are The Chances?

God knew the time, the season, the people and the land which His mission field was predestined to give birth to Righteous Leadership through Rev. Dr. Ray & Teri Charles, Special Assistants to Europe, Middle East & Liberia.

Nzunga and Kihomi Prayer Needed

Haiti can be a scary place. Just this week, Nzunga tried to go to the eye clinic in Cap-Haitian but had to turn back due to the road being barricaded. In addition to political upheaval, death is always close by. They definitely need our prayers.

It takes a (large) village… / Necesitamos una (gran) aldea…

December: Have you noticed that in order to accomplish your goals, it is best to have the support of many around you? Those who love and care about you and …