Latest News:

Recent press releases, updates from our leadership, and copies of our e-newsletter, IM Online. Sign up to receive IM Online twice a month by email through the subscription form below.

Current Highlights:

Why give the first fruits of your life to God’s mission?

Why give the first fruits of your life to God’s mission? When we give the first fruits of our time and resources, we acknowledge that everything we have belongs to God. Donors like Richard “Dick” Juday also give their first fruits by taking part in God’s mission in ways that will help share the gospel with others.

5 Ways Your Church Can Celebrate Hispanic Heritage

Hispanic Heritage Month is a great opportunity for churches to engage Spanish-speaking communities and connect with our Hispanic brothers and sisters. Here are 5 ways your church can celebrate with us…

In this video, International Ministries’ Executive Director/CEO Rev. Dr. Sharon Koh invites you to participate in God’s transformational work through the World Mission Offering. Join us as we seek to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ around the world.

Missionary Updates:

Read recent stories from IM missionaries and development workers, called “global servants.” Your support equips them to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in 70 countries.

Current Projects:

Learn more about the life-changing projects led by our global servants and area directors around the world, and how your gifts can make a difference.