Haiti - Clean Water Project Haiti – Clean Water Project

This project will provide safe, clean water for thousands of families, and to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses like cholera, dengue fever and chikungunya.

Thailand – Meals for the New Life Center Foundation

This project provides daily meals to more than 200 tribal girls and young women who are survivors of or at risk for exploitation.

India - Kids for Mission South Asia – Kids for Mission

This project provides goats to needy indigenous families in remote regions of Northeast India.

China - Education for Orphans China – Education for Orphans

This project helps orphans break free of the cycle of poverty by giving them access to the same educational opportunities as other children.

Thailand - Scholarships for the House of Blessing Thailand – Scholarships for the House of Blessing

Scholarships will enable the ethnic minority children served by the House of Blessing to continue their educations in Thai public schools.

India - Nursing Students India – Nursing Students

The Assam Baptist Convention wants to assist its young people by sending one young man and two young women to nursing school in the capital city of Guwahati.