October 31, 2017 Middle East and North Africa – Enduring Love
[pie chart]100%Support Raised
[world map] Europe, the Middle East and Liberia Egypt push-pin Lebanon push-pin Sudan push-pin Tunisia push-pin Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, Syria
Evangelism Evangelism
Discipleship Discipleship
Training and Capacity Building Training and Capacity Building
GoalThe goal of this project is to raise up Arab leaders to minister through a variety of community-based programs in the Middle East and North Africa.
SummaryThe project seeks to raise $180,800 per year for 5 years for the Enduring Love program in a region that is ready to receive God’s message of hope and love. View Project Updatel
DescriptionIn the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), there has been a void in compassionate mission for centuries. Western mission societies and global workers have avoided this area in spite of its increasing openness to God’s message of hope and love. Global servants from the West play an important role; but experience has shown that the most fruitful work is being done by the Arab people themselves in partnership with groups like Enduring Love, an official partner of IM. While the Arab world is consumed with the chaos and violence that we see highlighted in the media, IM and Enduring Love believe that it is precisely in times like these that the message of God’s hope and enduring love is most needed and welcomed. We have embarked on an unprecedented journey in MENA and we are seeking others who agree that true transformation begins by transforming the heart. As we are reminded in Leviticus 19:34, "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt." Enduring Love’s global servants are already engaged in the MENA region... • growing the church community • supporting displaced refugees • building and growing home groups and mentorships • establishing relationships with university students • teaching and translation Those whom Enduring Love is mentoring are growing in their knowledge of the truth. They are able to apply their theological understanding in developing businesses and microenterprises. Their community involvement allows them to influence perceptions as well as provide practical help and services such as learning support and transportation services. In order to build a self-sustaining model, we want to train local leaders to multiply the work already begun. To do this, we also need infusions of financial support to grow business-as-mission projects and develop microenterprises. By offering opportunities to improve economic conditions and contributing to the good of society, we will be imparting hope, which is the first step toward positive change. This project is managed by IM global servant Dan Chetti, an adjunct professor at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary and director of Enduring Love. View Project Proposal
Suggested GiftsA gift of $1,000 supports one month’s salary and expense for an in country partner servant. A gift of $17,000 provides local administrative and accounting support and meet technology needs in the seven countries we serve. $50,000 provides ongoing discipleship and training by Enduring Love and the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary for the 10 partner servants. Each will receive ongoing mentoring, oversight and encouragement through conferences and workshops in seven countries for the year. $100,000 provides seed money for microenterprises and some operational costs for 10 partner servants in the MENA region. Their businesses create economic opportunities and allow them to share God’s message of hope and love.
Managed ByChetti, Dan & Sarah