Sarah with kids at EduK A Place of Hope

Thank you for praying for me last month as I took my first trip as a Regional Coordinator for Education. I traveled to Mexico City where I was able to …

The Asbury Revival: Recurring Themes

When I work with seminary students preparing them for their doctoral Project Proposal Seminar, I encourage them,  when preparing their literature review chapter, to observe the themes and to critically …


N EW  B E G I N N I N G S May the Lord answer you when you are in distress, and may the name of the God of …


Dr. Greuter reflects on his recent short-term mission trip in Liberia. “We planned to be exceptional guests who were open, honest, humble, reliable, and obedient, just as Jesus instructed his disciples in Luke 10. The Liberians did not invite us to be rigid, demanding, bossy persons from a privileged world”


Recently, I was reminded of a gift given by a close friend before my first trip to Japan. She had written little notes filled with encouraging words and scripture verses …

Amity Foundation Responding to Turkey and Syria Earthquake

Amity Foundation responding to Turkey and Syria earthquake
Benjamin Chan
February 9, 2023