IM-sponsored short-term mission trip to Nepal: The darkness inside the small home stood in stark and gloomy contrast to the beautiful expanse of the towering Himalaya mountains, endless blue skies and rolling fields just outside the front door. The Bonjon family of seven invited us into their home to shelter us from a sudden downpour outside.
God puts people in our path with seemingly impossible problems to solve. Often, we throw up our hands and ask how we can ever make a difference?
House of Hope doctors and dentists are being salt when they provide free health-care with bi-monthly mobile clinics.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”(Romans 12:2) A team of short-term volunteers is being transformed in Honduras.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often spoke of a “beloved community” as a place of peace that is based on both justice and equality and where conflict is resolved without violence.