Big Changes are Coming – Preparing for US Assignment

It’s hard to believe that in just over two months our family will find ourselves relocated back in the US for our one-year home assignment.

Big News, Big Move!

Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers during this US assignment. As many of you know, since we have been back in the US we …


Lance Muteyo recently reported from ZIMBABWE: I am in a village called Gambiza Chiwundura for the STEP AFRICA program.  I am meeting kids for the first time for whom we …

Hopevale – from death to new life

If we are to glean any hope from the Hopevale story, perhaps it is this: we who aspire to be disciples of Jesus are “wounded healers” in the words of Henri Nouwen.

It’s been a journey!

Between being deported in Bangladesh to a surprise visit to Thailand, meeting with new partners in Australia and finally a hospitalization in India…the last few months have been interesting, to say the least!

Storms in the Congo

Daily storms… The Congolese people have faced, and continue to face terrible storms in their lives: hunger, poverty, horrific atrocities from the multiple militia groups, unemployment, volcanic eruptions, and the newest adversity, a virulent outbreak of the Ebola virus, already the largest and deadliest in Congo’s history.