Tag: Education
| Pray for Katrina and Kyle Williams training and supporting Southeast Asian leaders who are seeking to build bridges across tribal lines in the Mekong region of Thailand
| Pray for Ingrid Roldan-Roman ministering in discipleship, education and health and wellness in Panama.

She directs a tutoring and feeding program for elementary and high school students who have fallen behind in their studies.

| Pray for Glen and Rita Chapman adding to their ministry during the Covid 19 pandemic by making face masks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Glen and Rita have been instrumental in transforming the Kikongo pastoral training school into the Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC).

| Pray for Ann and Bill Clemmer confronting reoccurrence of Ebola along with Covid 19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

With the expansion of Covid-19 into eastern Congo, we had already made the decision to stay and pivot from Ebola to Covid… but now it looks we will be facing two fronts of seeming uncertainty. But we, as do our colleagues here, know that God is in control.

| Holy Week – Then and Now

What the first Holy Week can teach us about communing, holding loss, times of waiting, and each one’s journey to embrace the resurrection.

| Let the Little Children Come