Posted on April 5, 2020 Let the Little Children Come
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We wanted to share good news from Goma, in spite of the turmoil of the world.  We are thankful as we read of all the ways churches and individuals are reaching out and touching those in need. The post Covid-19 world may be different in ways we never imagined.    You remain in our prayers from Congo!

Here in Goma, despite the Covid-related closure of all schools and programs including our outreach and services to the hundreds of abandoned and vulnerable children in the streets of Goma, we have been allowed to open our doors to children who accompany those hospitalized at Heal Africa Hospital; patients who are growing in number by the day.

The five children we took in Friday have never been to school, so we are back to the basics of ABCs. Two came with baby sisters on their backs, another, who apparently walked days with his mother who is in the hospital, was just happy to have a quiet and safe place to lie down and sleep. I miss the faces of the hundreds of other children…but am thankful that God has allowed us to continue to minister and provide to the lesser of these who are cherished and not forgotten.

Despite the closure of all schools and programs including our outreach and services to the hundreds of abandoned and vulnerable children in the streets of Goma, we have been allowed to open our doors to dependents of those who are hospitalized at Heal Africa Hospital; patients who are growing in number by the day.