Ann serves as Global Consultant for ministry “From Everywhere to Everyone” to build capacity in contextualized theological education, servant leadership, cross-cultural skills development, church-based holistic community transformation and work with refugees. Bruce serves as Global Consultant for Holistic Community and Economic Development to promote faith-based social entrepreneurship, servant leadership, cross cultural skills development, and church-based holistic community transformation. They work alongside a wide range of Baptist partners including those in Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and others.
Matt and Lori serve in Laos and Thailand. In Laos, they work to bring hope and restoration to children and youth who have suffered or are at risk for the worst forms abuse and exploitation, including street children; children living in slum communities who are victims of abuse and domestic violence; and victims of child labor and sex trafficking.
Unloading the long awaited container of “White Cross” medical supplies to the D.R. Congo takes a team of ten and two vehicles. It will soon be shipped out to a dozen hospitals anxiously awaiting the materials.
Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo …which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders.
Serious Civil unrest has once again disrupted life in Haiti.
Stacy and Tim will serve with IM partner in Haiti the Christian Association for Spreading the Gospel and Economic and Health Development. They are both passionate about discipleship through artistic expression.