Tag: Economic and Community Development
Joyful diversity of God’s family at the APBF meetings | “Global mission is not just for the West”

We were part of an amazing gathering of Christian sisters and brothers in Indonesia! If one phrase could capture the message of the events we attended, it would be this: global mission is no longer just for the West.

| Help Reduce Poverty through Economic Development with the World Mission Offering

Your prayers and gifts to the World Mission Offering allow International Ministries to address the economic needs of low-income individuals and families by creating sustainable businesses and employment opportunities in the countries where we serve.

| Thailand – Water and Sanitation Systems for Hill Tribes

This project will provide family bathrooms, training in hygiene and sanitation, family gardens and village training gardens.

| India – Sangtam Piggery

Establishing a pig farm among the Sangtam people in remote Northeast India will bring economic development and nutrition to communities.

| Haiti – Pigs for Kids

This project empowers more than 400 families with an income to educate their children.

Global Gifts Coffee and Seedlings | Thailand – Coffee Seedlings

300 coffee seedlings and training are helping families in northern Thailand buy food and medicine.